Fermentation (and Burke’s Hot Sauce) Makes Everything Better


You love our Burke’s Hot Sauce flavors.
You love the Burke’s Hot Sauce heat.
You love our quality ingredients, our specialized recipes and our rich flavors but did you know that we ferment our sauce? And that fermentation is good for you?

The fermentation process uses microbes, such as bacteria and yeast, to preserve foods. These microbes act as probiotics, supporting gut health. Proponents of fermentation argue that it is an easy way to add beneficial bacteria and other organisms to the gut to promote a healthy gut microbiome. Some research has even linked a healthy gut to better overall health.

Here’s some fun fermentation information to ponder as you slather Burke’s Hot Sauce on your eggs tomorrow morning:

  • Good bacteria fight bad bacteria and, like all our favorite super heroes, the good bacteria usually wins. Good bacteria create acidic fermentation byproducts that lower your intestine’s pH, decreasing the chance that bad bacteria can survive.

  • Fermentation increases flavor by creating more nuanced and intricate flavors which can only be achieved via the fermentation process. That’s why all our Burke’s Hot Sauces are so delicious!

  • Good bacteria produced by fermentation help to break down complex carbohydrates and aid in the metabolizing process.

  • Fermented foods have a longer shelf life—but we’re betting your Burke’s Hot Sauce will be around long enough to go bad.

  • During fermentation, microorganisms like bacteria, yeast or fungi convert organic compounds like sugars and starch into alcohol or acids. As some of the natural sugars and starches have already been broken down, fermented foods are easier to digest.

  • Consuming fermented foods as part of an overall healthy, balanced diet has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. So while you are lovin’ Burke’s Hot Sauce, it’s lovin’ your heart right back

  • Feeling a bit like ‘Oscar the Grouch’ these days? Turns out research is revealing a healthy gut positively impacts our mood and behavior. So enjoy the exquisite taste of fermented Burke’s Hot Sauce while simultaneously lightening your mood

Stephanie McDonald